A1 Books Balanced
BAS Agent and Bookkeeper
Professional and Qualified Bookkeeping Service

A One Stop Shop for All your Bookkeeping Needs
Our aim is to minimise your stress, and to give you peace of mind knowing that your accounts are accurate and up to date.
Giving you back valuable time so that you can use your time more effectively, whether that be to expand and develop your Business,
or to take more time to spend with your loved ones.
We can compile your Books on a Weekly, Fortnightly, Monthly or Quarterly Basis, working from your Offices or remotely.
As a Registered BAS Agent we are required to comply with the Tax Practitioners Board's Code of Professional Conduct. This sets out the Professional and Ethical Standards that all Registered Tax Practitioners are required to comply with. It outlines the Duties that Registered Tax Practitioners owe to their Clients, to the Tax Practitioners Board and to other registered Tax Practitioners.
To ensure that BAS Agents retain this high standard these codes are reviewed and updated regularly, giving you, our Clients, confidence in the Tax Practitioners Board and its Agents. As a result of this all Registered Agents are required to disclose any matter that would significantly influence your decision to engage, or continue to engage with us, to inform you that the Tax Practitioners Board maintains a Register of Tax Practitioners and how to make a complaint to the Tax Practitioners Board should the need arise.
Accordingly, please see below some links that you may find of interest:-
The Code of Professional Conduct
Tax Practitioners Register
Tax Practitioners Complaint Procedure